AppealAppealing to self-healing abilities and honoring ancestral medicines, we invite you to learn about the benefits of ancient arts of treating the body, mind and spirit. Through personalized work with cellular memories and supported at all times by a therapeutic guide, we seek to harmonize emotions and thoughts, improve the physical state and get the feeling of inner peace, in order to achieve an integral state of well being.

Renowned ancestral medicine obtained from the gland of Bufo Alvarius frog, from the North of Mexico, is highly appreciated within alternative medicine in addictions treatments, harmful mental patterns, as well as post traumatic disorder implications. Duration approx. 1.5h Individual sessions.
Therapist guide.
Natural medicine application.
Rest area.
$220/ USD by person

Popularly known as 'natural vaccine', this medicine comes from the skin secretions of the Phyllomedusa bicolor, a tree frog that lives in the Amazon jungle. Its application induces a deep cleansing of the body and soul, reinforcing the immune system and mental capacities. Duration approx. 1.5h Individual sessions.
Janzu therapist.
Natural medicine application.
Rest area.
$160/ USD p/person
Ayahuasca Ceremony

The ceremonial use of this traditional Amazonian medicine drink, known as 'yagé' or 'rope of the spirits', with music and songs, produces states of deep relaxation and is recognized in treatments for depression and post-traumatic stress, among others.
$220/ MXN p/persona
Mushrooms Ceremony

Work sessions with mushrooms from the psilocybe family, ancestrally called teonanacatl, 'meat of the gods' or ‘holy children', facilitate access to states of consciousness that can dissolve toxic behaviors, traumas, chronic anxiety, depressions, etc. Duration approx 6h. Group sessions.
Therapist guide.
Natural, non cultivated medicine.
Chanting circle.
Rest area.
$220/ MXN p/persona
San Pedro Ceremony

Cactus Echinopsis pachanoi or Huachuma, of Andean origin, for more than 3,000 years has been used in traditional medicine as a powerful diagnostic tool and, on a spiritual level, a harmonizer of spirits, protector of family, marriage and peaceful coexistence. Duration approx. 6-7h. Group sessions.
Therapist guide.
Natural San Pedro (or Peyote) medicine.
Chanting circle.
Rest area.
$220/ MXN p/persona

Alternative medicine practice that looks for alleviating pain, reinforce inmune system and reestablish body’s energetic balance through imposition of static magnetic fields. Reported extremely beneficial in detoxication processes and harmful stress effects reduction. Duration approx 50 min. Individual sessions.
Certified Practitioner
Equipped consulting area.
Rest area.
$85/ USD p/person